TEConcept as an official IO-Link Competence & Test Center offers IO-Link training & workshops worldwide. IO-Link experts with more than 10+ years of experience in the field of IO-Link development services are here at your service to start, extend and widen your company know-how on IO-Link. The training courses are available in two different formats, we are able to do on-site / classroom or online workshops. Duration of the trainings is always a matter of discussion before ordering the workshop, as well the agenda of the workshop.
Some of the main topics we can cover:

  • IO-Link: System and Market (incl. IO-Link Safety)
  • Basic IO-Link Principles for IO-Link developers and product managers
    • General Overview and System presentation
    • IO-Link System Elements and basics of the communication mechanisms
    • Master/Fieldbus mapping
          • IO-link Profiles and System extensions overview
          • IO-Link Safety Extension
          • IO-Link Profiles and Integrations
          • IO-Link Smart Sensor Profile
          • Firmware and BLOB Profile
  • IO-Link Developer Training
    • IO-Link Communication in details (down to bits and bytes level for advanced developers)
    • Hardware and Software design principles and development process
      • IO-Link PHY and MCU components selection process
      • Software components
      • Best design practices
      • IO-Link Device Stack usage, porting
    • Advanced Device application development and Master gateway implementations
    • Tooling for IO-Link development
    • Profile and integration
    • Firmware upgrade and BLOB profile integration
  • IO-Link Conformance Testing, Tooling
    • Physical Layer
    • Protocol Layer
    • EMC Testing
    • Special tools for development and testing
  • IODD Design

Training duration From 1 to 3 days (TEConcept recommends 4 Hours per day), custom workshop duration can be discussed
Training delivery Avaible online or on-site / classroom
Training Locations Germany, EU, Worldwide
Training languages English, German, Hungarian

Please contact our sales department for further details: Contact form

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